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Image by Aaron Burden

While most folks think of “Sunday School” as being just for children, we have found that it is just as important for adults to learn more about their faith. Keeping busy schedules in mind, we offer a variety of opportunities for adults to come together for Bible study, Adult Forums on a variety of topics, movie nights, and even a four-year theological program offered through one of our Episcopal seminaries. Members are encouraged to both submit ideas for classes, and also, to share their own knowledge and expertise by teaching a class. Below are some of our recent offerings; check back regularly to see what’s coming next!

Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 11 AM we meet in Dwyer Hall for Bible Study. Join us as we discuss the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday and delve deeper into study of the Bible.

Adult Forum

ChurchNext is an online Christian Formation site for group or individual course in theology, scripture, liturgy, prayer, church history, and more. Most have a fee associated with them, but some are offered free as a “Big Class.”


Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM is a four-year program of theological study offered through the School of Theology at Sewanee University, one of the eleven accredited seminaries of the Episcopal Church. We are currently not offering EfM, but can direct you to an current EfM program in the Diocese of Easton.

Heron Point Events

A number of our parishioners live at Heron Point, and several find it difficult to worship regularly at Emmanuel. Therefore, we bring Emmanuel to Heron Point. Every fourth Thursday at 2:00 PM, we join together in The Community Room for tea and conversation. The primary purpose of the fourth Thursday session is fellowship, based on making new connections and listening to one another.

On the first Thursday of each month, Emmanuel’s rector and the rector of St. Paul’s Kent take turns celebrating the Eucharist for Heron Point residents who can no longer get to church on a regular basis.

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Movie Nights

Each month during the program year, a small group gathers to view a film of interest and to discuss how it relates to our lives. We always begin with a simple supper — often pizza!


2018-2019 Series: “Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North.”  Other films in the series included “Selma,” “Hidden Figures,” “The Help,” “Loving,” ” Blindspotting,” and “Fences.” 


We plan to continue when COVID-19 restrictions lift.


Worship Times


10:30 am Service with Communion, Choir,  Organ, Hymns, and Sunday School.


11:00 am Bible Study.

12:00 pm Communion.


9:00 am on the first Sunday of each month. Designed for children from birth to 7 years of age and their families.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Chester Parish
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