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Sharing the joy of music and the beauty of our parish with one and all.

Since 1993, The Emmanuel Concert Series has brought nationally and internationally known organists and choral ensembles to Chestertown.

The Concert Series showcases Emmanuel's beautiful and highly regarded Harrison & Harrison organ, and has presented a lively and varied mix of established concert organists and highly talented younger players. The Concert Series Committee strives for a diverse, interesting, and high quality roster of performers.


The Emmanuel Concert Series season is generally made up of five concerts between September and May. Concerts are usually on Friday evenings or Sunday afternoons.


Subscribers may purchase a full season's series for a very affordable price. The Emmanuel Concert Series is entirely supported by its subscribers and a generous grant from the Kent County Arts Council.

To read more about our Harrison & Harrison organ, click here.


​Regular Subscriptions to the five concerts may be purchased for $90 per adult or $20 for children and students with ID.


One may become a Patron for $150 or a Benefactor for $200. Patrons and Benefactors are listed in each concert program.


Contributions above the subscription ticket price are tax deductible.


A limited number of single-concert tickets, priced at $20.00 for adults and $5.00 for children and students with ID, will be available at the door.



Write to:

Emmanuel Church Concerts

PO Box 875

Chestertown, MD 21620

or call Emmanuel at (410) 778-3477

Announcements relating to weather emergencies or unexpected cancellations will be posted on the church’s website. We regret that we are unable to contact our subscribers, patrons, and benefactors on an individual basis when such changes occur.



Mickey Thomas Terry, Organist         Friday, September 13, 2024                    7:00 p.m.

Master Instructor, Howard University, and Organist, Fairfax Presbyterian Church, Fairfax, Virginia. 

Mario Buchanan, Organist                 Friday, October 25, 2024                         7:00 p.m.

Director of Music, Conductor, Singer, and Organist, Christ Church Episcopal, Hudson, Ohio.  

Daniel Colaner, Organist                    Friday, February 21, 2025                        7:00 p.m.

First-year student at the Curtis Institute and Assistant Organist, Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.  

Todd Wilson, Organist                       Friday, March 21, 2025                             7:00 p.m.
Head of the Organ Department, Cleveland Institute of Music, retired Director of Music, Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland Ohio. 

Ken Cowan, Organist                          Friday, May 2, 2025                                 7:00 p.m.  Associate Professor of Organ, Shepherd School of Music, Rice University, Houston, Texas.


Special Services – No ticket required:


Sunday, November 3, 2024          All Saints Evensong                                       6:00 p.m.


Sunday, December 22, 2024        Advent/Christmas Lessons & Carols            4:00 p.m.


Sunday, May 18, 2025                   Eastertide Evensong                                     6:00 p.m.   



Worship Times


10:30 am Service with Communion, Choir,  Organ, Hymns, and Sunday School.


11:00 am Bible Study.

12:00 pm Communion.


9:00 am on the first Sunday of each month. Designed for children from birth to 7 years of age and their families.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Chester Parish
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